WSET Bitesize - What are England's main wine regions?

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Discover the wines of England on this introduction to the main wine regions.

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Over the decades, the reputation and quality of English wine has changed dramatically. While most famous for its fresh, complex sparkling wines, the UK now produces whites, rosés, oranges and even a little bit of red wine. Sam Povey DipWSET will look at the main grape growing regions of England and the styles of wine produced here.

This webinar is free to attend and open to anyone, no prior wine knowledge is needed. The new series of bitesize 30-minute webinars are ideal for beginners looking to learn more about wine.


Sam Povey DipWSET, Educator, WSET School London

Sam is a wine educator from Aberdeen, Scotland. He first discovered his interest in wine at university and pursued it by travelling to Georgia and his local wine shop. Today, he teaches the WSET Levels 1-2 Awards in Wines and hosts events at WSET School London.


This event does not necessarily constitute official WSET course material and should not be used as such.

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