D3 mock tasting exam for paper 1 (Diploma students only)

Contact us

If you would like to book over the phone, please contact our Student Services team via 020 7089 3841 or studentservicesteam@wsetglobal.com. If you have any queries about this event, you can reach our Diploma Team via wsetschooldiploma@wsetglobal.com.

NEW! Opportunity for Diploma students to complete a D3 mock tasting exam for paper 1 (grape variety & country) under examination conditions. Students will be given a marking key to mark the paper afterwards.

Event details

This is a drop-in study session providing Level 4 Diploma in Wines candidates with a D3 exam in May with the opportunity to practice for their upcoming tasting exam.

In this session, you'll get the chance to sit a mock exam for paper 1 and given two flights of wine to assess. The wines in the first flight are all from a common country and the wines in the second flight have a common grape variety.

How will it work?

  • Be sure to arrive in time to start the mock exam at 9:30am – you'll need the full 90 minutes to take the mock exam.
  • Bring a box of tasting glasses and a pen with you (we'll provide the wines and paper to write on).
  • The mock will take place under examination conditions, so no talking!
  • After you finish, we'll give you a marking key so that you can mark your own answers.

Other revision opportunities on this day

  • You also have the opportunity to do a mock exam for the paper 2 flights (region & unrelated samples). Please visit our tastings and events page to see the full schedule and book your space.
  • In-between the mock exams, we invite you to our fourth floor Diploma Suite to do a self-pour quality tasting in your own time. A Diploma educator will be on hand to answer any questions you have about the exam or wines. (There's no need to book this is included when you sit any mock exam).
  • Theory revision workshop and mock exam.

Booking terms and conditions

  • Payment in full must be made at the time of booking and places are not confirmed until payment has been received. Unfortunately we cannot take provisional bookings.
  • This event is open to WSET School London Diploma students only.

Cancellations and transfers

  • Cancellations and transfers can be made up to two weeks before the event.
  • Cancellations within 10 working days are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another event.
  • If you need to change a name on the booking, please give us as much notice as possible.
  • WSET School London reserves the right to cancel an event. If necessary, a full refund or transfer will be offered.

Contact us

If you would like to book over the phone, please contact our Student Services team via 020 7089 3841 or studentservicesteam@wsetglobal.com. If you have any queries about this event, you can reach our Diploma Team via wsetschooldiploma@wsetglobal.com.