Your search 'WSET Level 1 online study' returned 3832 results:
WSET Global

Qualificação de Nível 2 em Destilados WSET

Uma qualificação de nível inicial a intermédio que explora os destilados e licores, ideal para quem trabalha no setor ou para entusiastas de destilados.

WSET London School

Frequently asked questions

WSET London School

WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits

This hands-on course is an ideal starting point for those embarking on a career in spirits or hospitality, or enthusiasts wanting to get to grips with a range of key spirit styles.

WSET Global Campus

Market Reports

WSET Global

WSET 烈酒第二級認證

這是中級資格認證課程,適合酒類行業工作人員或烈酒愛好者探索烈酒和香化酒的世界。本認證課程為希望學習各種烈酒的初學者而設,也適用於已獲得 WSET 烈酒第一級認證的入門知識、且希望進一步了解烈酒的學員。