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WSET London School
WSET Level 2 Award in Wines: Intensive (consecutive) course
Study for our most popular qualification as an intensive consecutive-day course. In just three days you'll gain a broad knowledge of the key wines of the world.
WSET London School
WSET Level 3 Award in Wines: Online
This high-level online course is the perfect way to advance your wine knowledge. Ideal for the dedicated wine enthusiast and those who need to make informed decisions or recommendations about wine for work.
WSET London School
WSET Level 3 Award in Wines: Saturdays
Study for this high-level qualification in wines through a nine-week Saturday programme, ideal for anyone working with wines or for the serious enthusiast.
WSET London School
WSET Level 3 Award in Wines: Day Release
Study for this high-level qualification in wines through a six week programme, ideal for anyone working with wines or for the serious enthusiast.
WSET Global
Contact us
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WSET Global
How to say it
Pronouncing wine terms correctly can be difficult, especially if you have never heard the terms before. We have created a pronunciation guide for some key terms so you can hear and see how they should be pronounced. Our aim for this “How to say it” guide has been to capture universally recognised, correct pronunciations.
WSET Global
Diplôme de niveau 1 en vins du WSET®
Une introduction aux vins destinée aux débutants, pour celles et ceux qui se lancent dans ce secteur ou qui s’intéressent au vin. <hr width="5%" align="left"> <br></br> Pour les novices qui découvrent le vin, cette formation offre une première approche pratique de l'univers viticole. Vous découvrirez les grands types et styles de vin à travers la vue, l'odorat et le goût, tout en développant les...
WSET Global
Diplôme de niveau 3 en vins du WSET®
Une formation de niveau confirmé pour les professionnels qui travaillent déjà dans le secteur des vins, mais aussi celles et ceux qui se passionnent pour cet univers.