Your search 'level 2 spirits' returned 3883 results:
WSET Global

Qualificação de Nível 2 em Destilados WSET

Uma qualificação de nível inicial a intermédio que explora os destilados e licores, ideal para quem trabalha no setor ou para entusiastas de destilados.

WSET London School

Frequently asked questions

WSET London School

WSET Level 1-3 exams and results

Exam results, resit and transfer information for WSET School London students studying Levels 1-3.

WSET Global

3 Minute Spirit School

We have teamed up with the best in the spirits business to bring you a new collection of short films about spirits, showcasing each category and inspiring you to learn more. Welcome to the 3 Minute Spirits School.

WSET Global

Chris So | Spirits

WSET Global

Living Ventures Group

Training boosts spirits upselling in Living Ventures’ Bars