Your search 'level 1 workbook order form' returned 3816 results:
WSET Global Campus
WSET eBooks
WSET Global
3 Minute Spirit School
We have teamed up with the best in the spirits business to bring you a new collection of short films about spirits, showcasing each category and inspiring you to learn more. Welcome to the 3 Minute Spirits School.
WSET Global
WSET 烈酒第二級認證
這是中級資格認證課程,適合酒類行業工作人員或烈酒愛好者探索烈酒和香化酒的世界。本認證課程為希望學習各種烈酒的初學者而設,也適用於已獲得 WSET 烈酒第一級認證的入門知識、且希望進一步了解烈酒的學員。