Your search 'level 1 wine test?page=2' returned 3491 results:
WSET Global


Il Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) è il leader mondiale nella formazione dedicata a vini, distillati e sake. Da oltre cinquant’anni, WSET sviluppa e offre corsi di formazione riguardanti vino e distillati riconosciuti dalle maggiori organizzazioni internazionali del settore delle bevande. I corsi si sviluppano su quattro livelli progressivi, sono distribuiti in oltre 70 paesi grazie a una...

WSET London School

WSET courses

Our WSET courses are offered at four distinct levels ranging from beginner to expert, so you can choose the learning experience that’s right for you. You’ll learn through sight, smell and taste under the guidance of world-class educators and in the company of like-minded drinks enthusiasts.

WSET Global

WSET Bitesize - Rum series: Grenada

In this mini-series, we will be exploring key styles of rum from the Caribbean and South America.

WSET Global


ワイン&スピリッツ・エデュケーション・トラスト(Wine & Spirit Education Trust, WSET)は、ワイン、スピリッツ、および日本酒の資格を認定する世界最大の教育機関です。世界の酒類業界で高い定評のある関連団体からの信頼を得て、50年にわたりワインとスピリッツの教育の開発と提供に携わってきました。現在、4段階のレベルに分かれた資格は多言語に翻訳され、コース提供機関を通じて70か国以上の国々で提供されています。WSETの資格は、酒類業界に携わるプロフェッショナルや酒類愛好家にインスピレーションを与え、知識を深めるためのサポートをしています。

WSET London School

Making cocktails with WSET: martini masterclass

Join drinks expert Rose Brookman for an exploration of the iconic martini cocktail, experimenting with different vermouths, garnishes and more.

WSET London School

Student information

The pages below provide supporting information for prospective and current students at WSET School London. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us.

WSET Global


A Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) é o maior fornecedor mundial de qualificações em vinhos, destilados e saquê. Reconhecida pelas empresas e organizações de bebidas mais importantes do mundo, a WSET continua líder no desenvolvimento e ensino de cursos de vinhos e destilados faz já cinco décadas. Com a oferta de quatro níveis de estudo progressivos traduzidos para múltiplos idiomas e...