Your search 'recommended study time level 1' returned 3883 results:
WSET London School

Variety in focus: Sauvignon Blanc (Diploma students only)

Join Diploma educator Lauren Denyer DipWSET as she leads you through a tasting of seen and blind Sauvignon Blanc wines from around the world to support your Level 4 Diploma in Wines studies.

WSET London School

Fortified wines tasting technique workshop for Diploma students

A blind tasting workshop of fortified wines specifically for Level 4 Diploma in Wines students who are taking their D5 Fortified Wines exam.

WSET London School

WSET Level 2 Award in Beer: Evening course

An intermediate-level qualification for anyone looking to explore and understand the world of beer. With our evening course, over nine classes you'll learn how key ingredients and production processes influence the style and quality of beer.

WSET London School

The WSET guide to whisky/whiskey

Join Ed Wicks for an introductory dive into the world of whisk(e)y and have fun trying a range of delicious examples, from Scotch whisky to Bourbon.

WSET London School

Champagne school part 2: Growers

Explore the exciting world of grower Champagne in this masterclass, where we'll delve into the unique terroirs of Champagne’s four key regions - Montagne de Reims, Côte des Blancs, Vallée de la Marne, and Côte des Bar.

WSET London School

WSET Level 2 Award in Spirits: Intensive (consecutive) course

Develop your expertise in distilled beverages and gain knowledge and understanding of a broad range of spirits and liqueurs in a brand-neutral environment.

WSET London School

WSET Level 2 Award in Spirits: Intensive (consecutive) course

Develop your expertise in distilled beverages and gain knowledge and understanding of a broad range of spirits and liqueurs in a brand-neutral environment.