Your search 'Diploma in WIne and SPirits' returned 3320 results:
WSET Global


Are you interested in working within the Wine and Spirit Trades? We have several job vacancies below that may be exactly what you are looking for.

WSET Global

WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits

A beginner level introduction to spirits for those starting a career in the industry or pursuing an interest in spirits.

WSET Global

Gourmet Food & Wine Expo Toronto 2019, terms and conditions

Here are the conditions of entry which apply to WSET’s All I Want For the Holiday social media competition. Please read them carefully, as they contain important information you should know.

WSET Global

Career paths

The wine and spirit industry is dynamic and diverse, offering many opportunities to build an exciting and rewarding career.

WSET Global

5 passi per diventare professionisti nel mondo del vino

Gli amanti del vino che sognano di lavorare in questo settore – giovani che hanno appena terminato gli studi o quanti vorrebbero cambiare lavoro – spesso hanno una visione molto romantica. In realtà, lunghi viaggi internazionali e pranzi luculliani non corrispondono esattamente alla realtà di chi lavora in questo mondo. Di seguito suggeriamo cinque tappe fondamentali affinché il vostro...