Your search 'Is there a wayy to remove @everyone permissions from 1 person specifically' returned 3835 results:
WSET Global
Craft Brewers Conference 2024 Competition Terms and Conditions
Here are the conditions of entry which apply to WSET’s 'Top of the Class Challenge' quiz at Craft Brewers Conference 2024. Please read them carefully, as they contain important information you should know.
WSET Global
WSET RI Candidate Quick Guide
This page will help make sure your devices are setup and ready to go before your System Check and Exam Setup. Please review each section and follow applicable directions. As a reminder, it is important you complete your System Checks immediately once you have followed guidance.
WSET Global
Cualificación de Nivel 1 en Sake WSET
Un curso de iniciación al sake, ideal para todos aquellos que inician su carrera en la industria o tienen interés en el sake.
WSET Global
WSET®-Kwalificatie Wijn Niveau 1
Een introductie over wijn voor beginners, bedoeld voor mensen die een loopbaan op het gebied van wijn willen beginnen of die gewoon geïnteresseerd zijn in wijn. <hr width="5%" align="left"> <br></br> <p>Deze opleiding is een praktijkgerichte kennismaking met de wereld van de wijn voor mensen die nog niet eerder een wijnopleiding hebben gevolgd. U verkent de belangrijkste wijnsoorten en -stijlen...
WSET Global
Qualificação de Nível 3 em Vinhos WSET
Uma qualificação de nível avançado para profissionais que trabalham na indústria do vinho e entusiastas do vinho.
WSET Global
Qualificação de Nível 1 em Destilados WSET®
Um curso de iniciação aos destilados, ideal para quem pretende começar uma carreira neste setor ou que tenha interesse em destilados.
WSET Global
Qualificação de Nível 2 em Destilados WSET
Uma qualificação de nível inicial a intermédio que explora os destilados e licores, ideal para quem trabalha no setor ou para entusiastas de destilados.
WSET Global
Level 2 Award in Spirits: Online - Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits
Develop your expertise in distilled beverages and gain knowledge and understanding of a broad range of spirits and liqueurs in a brand-neutral environment.