Your search 'WSET Level 1 Award in Wines' returned 3367 results:
WSET Global

WSET Remote Invigilation Essential Guidance

Welcome! WSET is happy you have chosen to sit your exam via Remote Invigilation (RI). If you have any questions about our WSET RI guidance, please contact your WSET Approved Programme Provider (APP) who you are enrolled with. Whether you are navigating to this site from correspondence with your APP or directly from an automated WSET RI email (, it is important you...

WSET Global

How to enrol on a WSET course

Once you’ve decided you’re ready to take your wine, spirit or sake knowledge to the next level with a WSET qualification, the first step is to work out which qualification you want to achieve.

WSET Global

Diplôme de niveau 2 en spiritueux du WSET

Une formation à la découverte des spiritueux et liqueurs à l'intention des professionnels du secteur, mais aussi de celles et ceux qui se passionnent pour cet univers.

WSET Global

Como inscribirse en un curso WSET

Una vez que has decidido que llegó el momento de hacer un curso WSET para llevar tus conocimientos sobre vinos, espirituosos o sake a un nivel superior, el primer paso es determinar qué cualificación quieres obtener.

WSET Global

Ein WSET-Studium beginnen

Sobald Sie sich entschieden haben, ihre Kenntnisse über Wein, Spirituosen oder Sake mit einer WSET-Qualifikation auf ein neues Niveau zu heben, sollten Sie als ersten Schritt herausfinden, welche Qualifikation Sie erlangen wollen.

WSET Global

Qualificação de Nível 2 em Destilados WSET

Uma qualificação de nível inicial a intermédio que explora os destilados e licores, ideal para quem trabalha no setor ou para entusiastas de destilados.

WSET Global

WSET 1단계 사케 수여 과정

사케 업종에 입문한 초보자 또는 사케에 관심 있는 일반인을 위한 초급 과정