Your search 'WHAT KIND OF ALCOHOL IN sweet vermouth' returned 3702 results:
WSET Global
WSET-Qualifikation Level 2, Spirituosen
Eine Qualifikation auf Mittelstufenniveau zum Thema Spirituosen und aromatisierte Weine für Beschäftigte der Branche ebenso wie für Spirituosenliebhaber. Diese Qualifikation richtet sich an Anfänger, die ein breites Wissen über Spirituosen erwerben wollen, oder an Personen, die ihre in der WSET-Qualifikation Level 1, Spirituosen, erworbenen Kenntnisse erweitern möchten.
WSET Global
Qualifica WSET Livello 1 Vino
Un'introduzione al vino rivolta ai partecipanti, adatta sia a chi intende iniziare una carriera nel settore sia a chi nutre semplicemente un interesse nel vino.
WSET Global
How to say it - audio
A valuable resource offering pronunciation guidance on key wine terms
WSET London School
WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines: London Block Release (Semester One)
Study for this industry-leading Diploma in Wines through semester block release. Build expert-level wine knowledge and understanding through blocks of consecutive-day study and hone your tasting skills through an immersive classroom experience.
WSET London School
WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines: Online (Semester One)
Study for WSET's industry-leading Diploma in Wines through online distance learning. You'll build expert-level wine knowledge and understanding through flexible online study, supported by our excellent online educators.