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WSET Global

Customer Success Stories

Every year 1000's of businesses—of all shapes and sizes—turn to WSET courses and qualifications to ensure their employees are armed with the necessary product knowledge in wines, spirits and sake to succeed. The knowledge gained provides staff with the confidence and expertise to advise customers, build value and drive substantial ROI.

WSET Global

Diplôme de niveau 1 en spiritueux du WSET®

Une introduction aux spiritueux destinée aux débutants, pour celles et ceux qui se lancent dans ce secteur ou qui s’intéressent aux spiritueux.

WSET Global

WSET 1단계 사케 수여 과정

사케 업종에 입문한 초보자 또는 사케에 관심 있는 일반인을 위한 초급 과정

WSET Global Campus

Advisory Board - details

WSET Global

WSET 烈酒第二級認證

這是中級資格認證課程,適合酒類行業工作人員或烈酒愛好者探索烈酒和香化酒的世界。本認證課程為希望學習各種烈酒的初學者而設,也適用於已獲得 WSET 烈酒第一級認證的入門知識、且希望進一步了解烈酒的學員。

WSET Global

Monica Samuels | Sake

WSET London School

History of sake with Natsuki Kikuya (webinar)

Sake Samurai and Educator Natsuki Kikuya takes you on a journey through the modern history of sake to the present day in this webinar. A great way to start exploring sake culture from home.