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Why beer education matters: Prohibitchin' podcast episode with Mirella Amato

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Our Senior Business Development Manager for Beer, Mirella Amato, recently appeared on Prohibitchin', Beth Demmon's interview series that highlights underrepresented voices in craft beer, wine, spirits, and other fermented beverages. Covering everything from career moves to our beer qualifications, this podcast episode is a 'must-listen' for everyone in the beer trade. 

One of the focal points of WSET is tasting and developing tasting. We have a systematic approach to tasting that we use to assess all beers. This might pull a wire out of some people's heads, but we don't assess the beers to style. We're really just looking at the beer in front of us, familiarizing ourselves with it, describing it, and then assessing its quality completely separate from style. My point being that it's very rigorous, it's a very disciplined approach.


If you've ever completed a WSET qualification, you'll be familiar with our Systematic Approach to Tasting (SAT)® already. But if this all sounds very scientific, here's all you need to know about it: the SAT: it teaches students to taste in a logical, systematic, and above all professional manner during their WSET course.

Intrigued? Click here to find out more about our beer courses.

For more insights into how our beer qualifications were developed. and how they can benefit you, click on the image below to listen to the podcast episode.

The bright pink logo for Prohibitchin' on a purple background, and a title saying Prohibitchin' by Beth Demmon. Read and subscribe at