Your search 'Diploma in WIne and SPirits' returned 3319 results:
WSET Global

WSET-Qualifikation Level 1, Sake

Eine Einführung in Sake auf Anfängerniveau für Menschen, die eine Karriere in der Branche beginnen oder sich sonst für Sake interessieren.

WSET Global

WSET-Kwalificatie Wijn Niveau 2

De Kwalificatie Wijn Niveau 2 van de WSET is een cursus waarin je de wereld van wijn verkent. Hij is bedoeld voor beginners en licht gevorderden, en is geschikt voor zowel professionals als liefhebbers.

WSET Global

Qualificação de Nível 2 em Vinhos WSET

A Qualificação de Nível 2 em Vinhos da WSET é um curso de nível inicial a intermédio que explora o mundo dos vinhos, adequada para profissionais do setor e entusiastas do vinho.

WSET Global


无论你是刚刚走出校门,还是琢磨着想换份工作,葡萄酒行业对于一个葡萄酒爱好者来说总是充满梦幻色彩的。但是,正如许多人所发现的那样,现实情况与你想象中那个充满跨国旅行和饕餮盛宴的乌托邦其实相去甚远。 在此,我们将介绍5个步骤,它能够确保你凭借着勇气、企图心和悟性,在饮料行业里开创一番事业并坚持下去。

WSET London School

Discover Rioja with Lauren Denyer DipWSET (webinar)

Join our in-house Spanish wine expert Lauren Denyer DipWSET on Zoom to explore the traditions and innovations in Spain's famous Rioja DOCa.

WSET London School

Discover Greece with Maria Moutsou (webinar)

Greek wine expert Maria Moutsou invites you on a virtual journey through Greece's vineyards, exploring the vast influence that this ancient winemaking culture has had on everything from wine classification to food pairing.